A Happy 33rd


What do you do when you’re turning 33?  Conquer the Gauntlet, of course!  A few months back, a couple of my coworkers were signing up for this 4 mile obstacle course race and I saw it was on my birthday…so of course I signed up the boyfriend and myself!  I’ve completed around 6 or so half marathons, so I thought that surely I can do this obstacle course race.  Y’all, this was the hardest thing I’ve ever attempted, physically.  But, I did finish…and I did go around a lot of obstacles!  ha!  I temporarily forgot that I was afraid of heights until I made it half way up an obstacle and then climbed like a spider monkey down!!

While I didn’t really conquer anything, the boyfriend completed every single obstacle and made it look like a piece of cake!  Of course, the following few days, we both walked around like old people. 🙂  I’m so glad he agreed to do this with me though.  It was so much fun and it opened my eyes to how badly I need to work out my upper body.

Other than this, we went out to dinner at PF Changs for my birthday and then the following weekend, he took me to the Arkansas vs Texas A&M game in Texas.  That was the best birthday present, btw.  We both had so much fun despite the fact that we lost in OT.  I’ll post pictures later.

Other than that, I’ve been training for the half marathon that is THIS MONTH.  Y’all, I wish that I could say that I’ve been completing all of my runs, but the truth is that I’m fighting off an injury.  But, I will say that my running has improved.  So, I’m kind of up in the air about this half.  I guess we’ll see on Oct 25th!

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