3 Things Thursday

  1. Went for a short 2 mile run yesterday.  Note to self:  Don’t drink a protein shake before a run.  I felt like I was going to puke the entire time.  Not cool.  But, the best part of the run was that there was a group of middle school boys on the trail running their timed miles and there was one boy who was near the end of the pack and he was walking.  He looked defeated and just overall unhappy.  As I was jogging past him, I told him “Don’t give up.  You’ve got this.”  He smiled and started running again.  Made.My.Day.
  2. I’m going to give that run another go round tonight at Women Can Run (a local running group).  I’m pretty excited, but we’ll see what happens!  I’m gonna be running late, so I hope I make it there in time.
  3. The two house showings didn’t lead to any offers.  Darn.  But, honestly, I’m not bummed about it at all.  I fully trust God and His timing on this.  Now if I could work that into other areas of my life.

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8 thoughts on “3 Things Thursday

  1. #1 is so sweet, but I wonde if he was mad that he got chicked πŸ˜‰ The house – you guys are still in the "don't have to sell but would if a good offer came in" right? I hope that is still the case anyway. Don't want you to be stressing over two mortgages/homes to take care of! Hope that whatever is to happen goes well πŸ™‚

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